
November Newborn {Newborn Baby, Regina, SK)

I havent had a chance to photograph a newborn in a while, so I was a little nervous going into this one.   I packed up my gear and went to thie families home, where they welcomed me with open arms, and gave me some amazing Indian coffee, and fed me as well.  The photo shoot was almost a bust as 3 hours into it we only had a few shots of the baby and all were wide awake.   Then a miracle happened; as we were talking about rescheduling the session he finally settled and we got the remainder of the imaged we wanted.   Sometimes you just never know what a baby is going to do.  While editing the photos I just fell in love with this little nugget.  His bright eyes, and all that hair. Oh i could just snuggle him all over again.

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New addition in the Bean Household! {Newborn & Family Portraits, Regina, SK}

OMG! So many photos, how do I ever choose for a single blog post!   I may do a part two at a later date, we just got soo many amazing photos from this session..


So here we go!


Des & Jeff’s Beautiful Family! { Estevan,Sk, Family Photography}


I love going out to Estevan!  I always have the best families to photograph. This family was up for anything, an after a really windy day and a reschedule, or two, we finally got a beautiful evening to shoot.    I photographed this little family last year when they were announcing the addition of their newest member.   Now he’s 4 months old, and his big sister is just as in love with him as his parents are!