The Kosior Family {Oxbow, Family Photography}

What can I say..  My bestie has a pretty good lookin family



The Gingras Clan!

I love this family!   We have been very fortuinate to become good friends.   Alisha and I have been planning this shoot since May, and finally the night was right, and the location was perfect.


Little Miss C. A Class Act! {Portrait, Regina, Sk}

I got a call from a good friend of mine who said her cousin was in town visiting from Manitoba.  “My cousin is trying out for a play and is in need of some head shots, Can you fit her in before they go home”    So I sneak this little session into my schedule, and am I ever glad I did!  I just love the way these photos turned out!

Well Miss C, is  trying out for Annie, and I cant wait to find out how she does!  She’s got so much pep, and lots of expression in that little face of hers. I think she’ll do just fine!

OH, Fuzzynoggins!

 I absolutly am in love with this little company!  She brings in and creates the most adorable pieces I have ever seen!

Just take a look at these little cuties!


Ewert Family {Regina, Family & Children}

NOTE: Best Viewed on Firefox or Safari
Explorer will cut off the right side.


What fun it is to run around after too rambunctious kids throwing leaves.  The day was beautiful, and colours were fantastic.  I hope you enjoy these as much as I do.